WAM has earn a "Bronze Medal" of EcoVadis in Oct 2024. It reflects the quality of the company's sustainability management system and demonstrates a commitment to promoting transparency throughout the value chain.
WAM adheres to the concept of green and sustainable development, strictly follows the requirements of laws and regulations andenvironmental management policies, and continuously reducescarbon footprint and enhances resource recycling through a seriesof measures such as adopting more environmentally friendly rawmaterials and production processes and building photovoltaicroofs. In terms of labor and human rights, we help employees con-tinue to grow and develop through the construction of human re.sources system: In terms of sustainable procurement and businessethics, we uphold the concept of ethical management, activelypractice sustainable procurement policies, and make the fulfillment.
About EcoVadis
EcoVadis is the world's most trusted CSR rating provider, with morethan 100,000 affiliated companies around the world.The evaluationsystem follows verifiable international CSR standards (CorporateSocial Responsibility), such as the Global Compact Principles, lLOoConventions, Global Reporting Initiative standards and lSO 26000,covering four major themes: environment, labor working condi-tions, business ethics and sustainable procurement, with a total of21 indicators for scoring.Evalution areas
The recognition awarded to the Top 35% of companies assessed by EcoVadis in the 12 months prior to the medal issue date.