Our Governance and Compliance

Our Governance and Compliance

Our Governance and Compliance

We firmly believe that good corporate governance is crucial for driving the continuous development of our company. Similarly, compliance is essential; we regard adherence to compliance as a guarantee for business development and a commitment to our social responsibilities.

Corporate Governance
We are determined to adopt a philosophy of excellence in corporate governance to enhance company performance, clarify responsibilities, and earn the trust of all stakeholders, collectively pursuing long-term sustainable development goals.

Compliance is an indispensable part of business operations and is key to winning the trust of business partners, stakeholders, and the public. Therefore, we require every employee to strictly adhere to compliance guidelines, integrating them as part of their daily work. We also encourage staff to proactively report potential compliance issues to address them promptly and maintain the integrity and reputation of our company.

Reporting Channels:
Reporting Hotline: 021-69116380-8010 (extension)
Reporting Email: Legal@wellsepoxy.com

Our Governance and Compliance

We firmly believe that good corporate governance is crucial for driving the continuous development of our company. Similarly, compliance is essential; we regard adherence to compliance as a guarantee for business development and a commitment to our social responsibilities.

Corporate Governance
We are determined to adopt a philosophy of excellence in corporate governance to enhance company performance, clarify responsibilities, and earn the trust of all stakeholders, collectively pursuing long-term sustainable development goals.

Compliance is an indispensable part of business operations and is key to winning the trust of business partners, stakeholders, and the public. Therefore, we require every employee to strictly adhere to compliance guidelines, integrating them as part of their daily work. We also encourage staff to proactively report potential compliance issues to address them promptly and maintain the integrity and reputation of our company.

Reporting Channels:
Reporting Hotline: 021-69116380-8010 (extension)
Reporting Email: Legal@wellsepoxy.com

message 021-69116380 wam@wellsepoxy.com